We All Scream for Ice Cream!
In Lancaster County, ice cream is regarded as a vital component of the Food Pyramid’s Dairy Group. From old-fashioned soda fountains to dairy farms and all-American drive-ins, there is no shortage of locally owned ice cream shops.
Be sure to check with each location for current hours.

**A 2023 Lancaster County Magazine Best of Lancaster Survey Winner in the Ice Cream Category.
* A 2023 Lancaster County Magazine Best of Lancaster Survey “Among the Best” runners-up in the Ice Cream category.
Lancaster City & Immediate Suburbs

Good Life Ice Cream & Treats
2088 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster. Goodlifelancaster.com
Miesse Candies & Ice Cream Parlor
118 N. Water St. #102, Lancaster. Miessecandies.com
Rolled Cold Creamery
24 E. Orange St., Lancaster. Rolledcoldcreamery.com
Splits & Giggles *
500 W. Lemon St., Lancaster. Splitsandgiggles.com
The Lancaster Sweet Shoppe
141 N. Duke St., Lancaster. Lancastersweetshoppe.com
Vintage Candy Shop
38 W. King St., Lancaster. Vintagecandyvending.com
Hempfield-Lititz-Manheim Area

Greco’s Italian Ices & Homemade Ice Cream
9 E. Kleine Lane, Lititz. Facebook.com/grecos717
Isabella’s Ice Cream Parlor
110 E. Main St., Lititz. Isabellasic.com
Manheim Twin Kiss
309 S. Main St., Manheim. Manheimtwinkiss.com
Oregon Dairy’s Milkhouse Ice Cream Shoppe
2900 Oregon Pike, Lititz. Oregondairy.com/ice-cream-shoppe
Scoops Ice Cream & Grille
312 Primrose Lane, Mountville. Scoopsgrille.com
Son’s *
1991 Miller Rd., East Petersburg. Sonsice.com
The Pretzel Hut
2224 Furnace Hills Pike, Newmanstown. Pretzelhut.com
The Shack Restaurant & Mini Golf
662 S. Oak St., Manheim. Theshackmanheim.com
32 Below Ice Cream Shop
Bricker Village, 10 E. 28th Division Hwy, Lititz. 32belowicecreamshop.com
Twisted Sisters Ice Cream & Handmade Chocolates
47 N. Main St., Manheim. Facebook
Ephrata & Northern Lancaster County

Boehringer’s Drive-In
3160 N. Reading Rd., Adamstown. Facebook.com/boehringersdrivein
Fox Meadows Creamery **
2475 W. Main St., Ephrata. Foxmeadowscreamery.com
Lapp Valley Farm
Green Dragon Market, 955 N. State St., Ephrata
The Udder Choice
1812 W. Main St., Ephrata. Udder-choice.com
Route 23 Corridor & Eastern Lancaster County
Bird-In-Hand Bakery & Café
2715 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bird-in-Hand. Bird-in-Hand.com
Fox Meadows Creamery **
193 Main St., Leola Foxmeadowscreamery.com
Freeze & Frizz
2250 New Holland Pike, Lancaster. Freezeandfrizz.com
Hayloft Ice Cream Treats & Soft Pretzels
95 S. Groffdale Rd., Leola. Haylofticecream.com
Lapp Valley Farm
244 Mentzer Rd., New Holland
Kitchen Kettle Village, 3529 Old Philadelphia Pike, Intercourse
Lapp Valley Creamery & Café
4040 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gordonville. Lappvalleyfarm.com
Lickity Split
209 E. Main St., New Holland. Lickitysplit.info
Rolled Cold Creamery
3526 Old Philadelphia Pike, Intercourse. Rolledcoldcreamery.com
River Towns & Western Lancaster County

Coffee and Cream
101 N. Front St., Columbia. Coffee-and-cream-coffee-shop.business.site
Gigi’s Ice Cream Bar
2 S. Second St., Bainbridge. Facebook.com/bainbridgepa
Griddles Malt Shop
315B Locust St., Columbia. Griddlescolumbia.com
Hinkle’s Restaurant Soda Fountain (Turkey Hill ice cream)
261 Locust St., Columbia. Hinklesrestaurant.com
Little Dippers Ice Cream
432 W. Main St., Mount Joy. Facebook
Orchard View Café
Masonic Village Farm Market, 310 Eden Rd., Elizabethtown. Mvfarmmarket.com
Mulberry Thrill
100 W. Market St., Marietta. Facebook.com/mullberrythrill
Udder Bliss Creamery
189 Ridgeview Rd. South, Elizabethtown. Facebook.com/udderblisscreamery
Strasburg & Southern Lancaster County
Down on the Farm Creamery
226 Gap Rd., Strasburg
509 May Post Office Rd., Strasburg
Maplehofe Dairy
799 Robert Fulton Hwy., Quarryville. Maplehofedairy.com
Pine View Dairy *
2225 New Danville Pike, Lancaster. Pineviewdairy.com
Son’s *
319 W. Main St., Quarryville. Sonsice.com
Strasburg Creamery, Café and Country Store
1 W. Main St., Strasburg. Strasburg.com
Ice Cream Experiences
Lancaster County Ice Cream Trail
The trail that leads to sweet treats was developed by Discover Lancaster and is back for another year. It will be in operation from May 24 to September 2. Visit the website and sign up and you will receive a passport to nearly two-dozen locations that will be offering discounts and/or other promotions. Points can be redeemed for giveaways. Discoverlancaster.com/planvisit/experience-passes/.
Kreider Farms Tours
The secret ingredient in Kreider’s ice cream is cream from their cows. This tour takes you to the source and provides a high-tech view of farming, including a drive through the “Cow Palace” barn that is home to a milking carousel that is used to milk 1,700 cows three times a day. Tours are offered Mon.-Sat., reservations are required. Kreiderfarms.com.
Turkey Hill Experience
The Taste Lab, where you can concoct your own flavor of ice cream, is a favorite aspect of this destination that is equal parts museum, education, entertainment and factory tour, is perfect for family outings. (Note: reservations are required for the Taste Lab.) 301 Linden St., Columbia. Turkeyhillexperience.com.