Local Libations 2024-25
Lancaster’s once-heralded brewing tradition has made a strong comeback, paving the way for businesses to range in scope from small taprooms to large venues that offer everything from beer-friendly snacks to wide-ranging menus. Our wineries are top notch, as well. Newer to the scene are meaderies, cideries and distillers.
Be sure to check with each restaurant for current hours.
**A 2023 Lancaster County Magazine Best of Lancaster Survey Winner.
* A 2023 Lancaster County Magazine Best of Lancaster Survey “Among the Best” runners-up.
Lancaster-Millersville Area

BierHall Brewing Company
1703 New Holland Pike, Lancaster. Bierhallbrewing.com
Big Dog Craft Brewing
1559 Manheim Pike, Lancaster. Bigdogcraftbrewing.com
BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse
925 Plaza Blvd., Lancaster. Bjsrestaurants.com
Cartel Brewing & Blending
920 Landis Ave., Lancaster. Cartelbrewing.com
The Coffin Bar & Kitchen by Spring House Brewing Company *
30 W. Lemon St., Lancaster.
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant
781 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster. Ironhillbrewery.com/lancaster-pa
Isaac’s Craft Kitchen & Brewery
25 N. Queen St., Lancaster. Isaacsrestaurants.com
Isaac’s Craft Kitchen & Brewery
565 Greenfield Rd., Lancaster. Isaacsrestaurants.com
Lancaster Brewing Company *
302 N. Plum St., Lancaster. Lancasterbrewing.com
Lancaster Brewing Company Taproom *
2323 Lincoln Hwy. E., Lancaster.
Little Mutants Fermentary
841 N. Prince St., Lancaster. Drinkmutants.com
Mad Chef Craft Brewing Taproom at Cabalar Meat Co. **
325 N. Queen St., Lancaster. Madchefcraftbrewing.com
Our Town Brewery
252 N. Prince St., Lancaster. Ourtownbrewery.com
Raney Cellars Brewing Company
11 Manor Ave., Millersville. Raneycellarsbrewing.com
Rural City Taproom
25 W. King St., Lancaster. Ruralcitybeer.com
2nd Gear Taproom (Columbia Kettle Works)
112 N. Water St., Lancaster.
Spring House Brewing Company *
209 Hazel St., Lancaster. Springhousebeer.com
East Petersburg & Manheim Area
Mad Chef Craft Brewing **
2023 Miller Rd., East Petersburg. Madchefcraftbrewing.com
Swashbuckler Brewing Company
2775 Lebanon Rd., Manheim. Swashbucklerbrewing.com

Appalachian Brewing Company-Lititz
55 N. Water St., Lititz. Abcbrew.com
Collusion Tap Works-Lititz
5 Juniper Lane, Lititz. Collusiontapworks.com
Compass Mill Tap House
809 Rothsville Rd., Lititz. Compassmilltaphouse.com
Fetish Brewing Company
201 Rock Lititz Blvd., Suite 22, Lititz. Fetishbrewing.com
Tied House (St. Boniface Craft Brewing Company)
27-31 E. Main St., Lititz. Tiedhouselititz.com
Mount Joy-Elizabethtown Area

Bube’s Brewery
102 N. Market St., Mount Joy. Bubesbrewery.com
Funk Brewing Company
28 S. Market St., Elizabethtown. Funkbrewing.com/Elizabethtown
Moo-Duck Brewery
79 S. Wilson Ave., Elizabethtown. Mooduckbrewery.com
Twisted Bine Beer Co.
93 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Twistedbinebeerco.com
Yah Brew
20-22 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Yahbrewco.com
Ephrata Area

Black Forest Brewery
301 W. Main St., Ephrata. Blackforestbrewery.net
Columbia Kettle Works IronSpire Taproom
2800 N. Reading Rd., Adamstown. Columbiakettleworks.com/ckw-ironspire-taproom-adamstown-pa
Pour Man’s Brewing Company
24 E. Main St., Ephrata. Pourmansbrewingco.com
Rural City Beer
6 N. Reamstown Rd., Reamstown. Ruralcitybeer.com
St. Boniface Craft Brewing Company
1701 W. Main St., Ephrata. Stbonifacebrewing.com
Truth Beer Company
401 S. 7th St., Akron. Truthbeercompany.com
Strasburg & Eastern Lancaster County

Bespoke Brewing
226 Gap Rd., Suite 7, Strasburg. Bespokebrewingco.com
Rumspringa Brewing Company
Barn Café, 3174 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bird-in-Hand. Mounthope.estate/wine-gallery
Speckled Hen/Bespoke Taproom
141 E. Main St., Strasburg. Speckledhencoffee.com
The Tavern by Spring House Brewing Company *
8-10 E. Main St., Strasburg.
River Towns

Columbia Kettle Works
40 N. Third St., Columbia. Columbiakettleworks.com
Hell In A Bucket Brewing Company
392 E. Front St., Marietta. Hellinabucketbrewing.com
River Trail Brewing
40 E. Front St., Marietta. Rivertrailbrewing.com
Starview Brews
224 Locust St., Columbia. Starviewbrews.com

ARTifice Ales & Mead
55 N. Main St., Manheim. Artificeales.com
DiFrancesco Meadery
1237 Trinity North Rd., Wrightsville. Difrancescomeadery.com
Lancaster County Cider
2775 Lebanon Rd., Manheim. Lancastercountycider.com
Levengoods of Lancaster
219 W. Walnut St., Lancaster. Levengoodcider.com
Meduseld Meadery
252 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster. Meduseldmeadery.com
Wyndridge Farm Tasting Room
398 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster. Wyndridge.com/lancaster-tasting-room
In addition to tastings, many wineries offer everything from tours to live entertainment and craft/art events. Food selections vary.

Britain Hill Venue & Vineyard
790 Little Britain Rd. North, Quarryville. Britainhillvenueandvineyard.com
Britain Hill at the Livery
1702 Lampeter Rd., Lancaster. Britainhilllivery.com
Cullari Vineyards & Winery Tasting Room at Bricker Village
2 E. 28th Division Hwy., Lititz. Cullariwineshershey.com
Deerfoot Downtown
348 N. Queen St., Lancaster. Deerfootdowntown.com
Glasshouse Wineworks
8 S. Charlotte St., Manheim. Glasshousewineworks.com
Grandview Vineyard *
1489 Grandview Rd., Mount Joy. Grandviewwines.com
Moon Dancer Vineyards & Winery
1330 Klines Run Rd., Wrightsville. Moondancerwinery.com
Mount Hope Estate & Winery
2775 Lebanon Rd., Manheim. Mounthope.estate
Nissley Vineyards & Winery Estate **
140 Vintage Dr., Bainbridge. Nissleywine.com
Bottle shops also located at Rockvale and Tanger Outlets.
Thorn Hill Vineyards’ Lancaster Wine Tasting Room
1945 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster. Thornhillvineyards.com
Waltz Vineyards *
1599 Old Line Rd., Manheim. Waltzvineyards.com
Waltz at Kitchen Kettle Village*
3529 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gordonville.
Weathered Vineyards Wine Tasting Room
900-A W. Main St., Ephrata. Weatheredvineyardsephrata.com

Chicken Hill Distillery
311 Stanley K Tanger Dr., Lancaster. Tangeroutlet.com/lancaster.
Hillside Public House at Doneckers
333 N. State St., Ephrata. Hillsideephrata.com
Lancaster Distilleries at Zoetropolis
112 N. Water St., Lancaster. Lancasterdistilleries.com
Lancaster Distilleries at Lancaster Central Market
23 N. Market St., Lancaster.
Old Republic Distillery Tavern
3 Dutchland Ave., Ephrata. Ordtavern.com
Pine Creek Spirits
28 S. Market St., Elizabethtown. Pinecreekspirits.com
Spirits Distilling Company
2775 Lebanon Rd., Manheim. Mounthope.estate/spiritsdistillery
Stoll & Wolfe Distillery
35 N. Cedar St., Lititz. Stollandwolfe.com
Thistle Finch Distillery
417 W. Grant St., Lancaster. Thistlefinch.com
Bert and The Elephant
29 E. King St., Lancaster. Bertandtheelephant.com.
Friendly Greek Bottle Shop
549 New Holland Ave., Lancaster. Friendlyg.com
114 N. Prince St., Lancaster. Cafepasserine.com
Rieker Bottle Works
602 W. King St., Lancaster. Riekerbottleworks.com
The Fridge
534 N. Mulberry St., Lancaster. Beerfridgelancaster.com
The Lancaster County Brewers Guild debuted an Ale Trail for 2024 that takes Passport holders to more than two-dozen breweries. Passports can be picked up at participating locations. The Guild’s website also features a calendar that shares information about weekly and special events taking place at members’ locations. Information: Lancasterbreweries.org.